Truest Home

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Sugarite Canyon State Park, Raton NM

In the quietest hours of the night

Unbidden, she opens her eyes

Half awake, half asleep,

One foot still within the world of dreams

She hears the echoes

On these four walls,

Here and now –

Life calls.

She untangles herself from

The sheets, half dressed and with

Barefoot feet.

She steps out into the night,

The magic awaits,

Just beyond these blinding street lights

Quietly she finds her way

The pull of the night

Won’t lead her astray.

Joy fills her heart the moment she arrives,

Her truest home now within her sight.

With her barefoot feet she steps upon the Earth,

The songs of the night singing of her rebirth.

She reaches out her hand caressing the trees, and

Begins to dance among the leaves.

Here and now she is one with the world

Where the noise of society can never be heard.

In this place of pure peace and joy

She can shed the false layers.

Tears fall the ground watering the Earth

With her prayers.

In this moment

Pure ecstasy is born,

Feeling the magic of life

In her hearts truest home.

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